Thursday, October 2, 2008


I just got home from the parenting class that Brant and I have been taking (well, for the past three weeks its actually been me that's be taking them since Brant has been on trips on Thursdays) and I am super excited to post about this particular class we had tonight...

When I have time.

I still need to update the D.C. post too - I'm thinking it will happen over this conference weekend between sessions and working on Christmas gifts. Stay tuned!


V said... make your Christmas gifts? That's amazing! And you are preparing in so far in advance! Really it never ceases to amaze me all the things you do.
I can't wait to hear about the class!

V said...

Oh PS The capital picture is gorgeous! If you want I have a program that will lighten it up so you and Brant can be seen more easily (and it still retains the vibrancy of colors.)
Hope work is going well!