Friday, July 15, 2011

Movie Theaters

We usually pass on going to them (since our cinema entertainment strategy is to utilize Netflix) but today was an exception - I took a gamble on having Savannah sit through an hour long movie (she actually did really well - but then again she probably had just as much fun bouncing on her seat as she did watching the movie) and caught the matinee showing of the new Winnie the Poo movie with our little cousins.  A perfect outing for a rainy morning - and the theater only had a few other people in it!

Heading out after the movie with cousin Matthew

Another fun rainy day activity we're doing today?  Looking at our recent family pictures that are now up online.  Click over to Savannah's blog for the password to the online gallery if you want to look too!
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Julie Barnes said...

SO cute! AND I love your family pictures!

Nancy said...

Cute! Could you send some of that rain our way? We're in a drought out here!!